Dear Santa – Christmas Video

originally posted on 12/26/2013 on

Dear Santa is a cartoon music video for a song of the same name by my band dED and BURYd.

Dear Santa tells a hilarious story about a strange character who is asking for some rather odd Christmas gifts this year, and he is making it very clear what he will do if he does not get them.

All of the artwork was done by Nancy Bury, the music was recorded by dED and BURYd before video production began.

I used Adobe Flash to create the animations and then I put the animations and still frames together with music using Adobe After Effects. The snow was Adobe After Effects and the images behind the band are basic rectangle fills in Adobe Photoshop.

The actual screen size for the Dear Santa video is 1600px wide by 900px high chosen to keep the widescreen 16×9 aspect ratio, but I am the first to admit I am not sure of the best setting here. Nancy draws her pictures much larger, and now looking at the finished product, the images seem pixeled on larger screens and I wish I used a bigger frame size ( it is also very possible I had the settings incorrect in Adobe After Effects when I “mixed it down” as I have NO IDEA what those settings mean). I think I made more bad choices with the settings in Adobe Flash. Adobe in general seems to be hard for me to understand lol, I will try to get it right in the future.

I will take any advice!
