Power Tab Editor 1.7 is a really great free tool for guitar or bass players who use tabs to read and write music. It can be downloaded for free by going to Power Tab Editor.
Once you have it installed it should look something like this:
You can switch between guitar and bass tab by going to the “view” tab in the top menu.
It is very easy to write the tabs, simply click the string you want to get the blue box, type in the number, then use the arrow keys to go to the next spot.
- Power Tab Editor automatically writes the tabs in notation form above the tab.
- You set the length of each note using the toolbar on the bottom.
- Power Tab Editor will play back the tabs using midi.
- Power Tab Editor has every symbol needed to create high the high quality tabs you see in magazines.
- Power Tab Editor lets you save, print and export your tab as a .bmp
Overall I think that Power Tab Editor is more than a great program if you want to create nice tabs or even if you want to get your ideas out really quickly and you can’t go wrong with the free price tag – no ads or time limits, fully functional.
I recommend Power Tab Editor
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