I am Ed Malaker, I am the creator of 32hertz.com and getmysongreviewed.com
These are websites that I have created or worked on, as well as other examples of my work.
HTML5 Websites
- 32hertz.com – This is my business home page and while it looks extremely simple it is actually a little more complex. It is a responsive website, meaning that it attempts to automatically change itself to fit any size screen in order to create a better user experience to anyone who views the website from desktop to cellphone. The 32hertz.com website has a built in login and registration system, complete with confirmation emails, password changing, encrypted passwords, and measures to stop spam bots. Support for assignable multi-level users (admin,author,editor,etc.). A profile page where a user can upload an image and maintain a bio, along with select their gender etc. is also built in. This website is also registered as a Facebook app.
- getmysongreviewed.com – This is a website that I created to help songwriters get free reviews of their songs. It allows members to upload songs and do reviews of other songwriters songs. For each song they review they get a review back. The reviews are survey style reviews. The system keeps track of the overall score each song gets. Each song can get up to 20 reviews. getmysongreviewed.com is less than 6 months old and already has over 250 members.
- dED and BURYd Band Website – This is a website for the rock band “dED and BURYd”. It is written in HTML5. Many interesting things can be seen at this website, CSS animation, image maps, audio players, etc. in fact most of the tags available for HTML5 are put to use on this website.
WordPress Websites
- Malaker Blog – This is my WordPress blog and where this post is located. It uses the hertz1 theme that I am creating from scratch. This website attempts to be “responsive” and to look like a natural extension of 32hertz.com website which is not a WordPress website.
- dED and BURYd Band WordPress Website – This is actually part of the above website for the rock band “dED and BURYd”. It is a WordPress website and it uses another theme that I have created called dedandburyd1. Built into this theme is a simple trivia game I designed myself that is written in HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript, using the HTML5 canvas as a game screen.
- Newyorkevents.co/ – I was employed to help the creators of this site remove validation errors that were present in the code. The website is a WordPress website. The service used to display the errors was the W3C Markup Validation Service.
Database Examples
- TO DO – The screenshot below shows a very simple “To Do list” that I built using a MySql database. It is protected from sql injection attacks and it is very easy to use. This to do list also has support for multiple users. Many things can be added to it, such as a field to track when the task was listed or who is assigned to a task, I just personally do not need them. If you register at 32hertz.com feel free to log in and use it.
- Fierce Bear – The Fierce Bear is a very simple game/simulation that I am building using PHP and a MYSQL database. Right now the program is in its very early stages and only a few items are tracked. You can read a lot more about it here or see it for yourself here. No registration or log in is required.
3d Models and Animation
- Here is a quick image we made for Easter using 3-D modeling.
- Here is a screenshot of short animation created for Mothers Day using 3-D modeling. This 3-D animatation also makes use of some simple sound design and video editing.
See the actual video Here
Thank you for reading the Malaker Blog!