Guitar wall hangers are not hard to install, of course you need permission from landlords, parents, etc., and if you are not good with tools get someone to help you. They keep you guitar off the ground and out of the way. Guitar wall hangers really make a great way to display your guitar. Properly installed, they will hold your guitar for a lifetime.
String Swing CC01K Hardwood Home & Studio Guitar Hanger
String Swing CC01K Hardwood Home & Studio Guitar Hanger – simple design that does exactly what it is supposed to do.
Guitar Hanger Hook Holder Wall Mount Display – Fits all size Guitars, Bass, Mandolin, Banjo, etc.
Guitar Hanger Hook Holder Wall Mount Display
– Fits all size Guitars, Bass, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. – another simple design these guitar wall hangers swivel to grab any neck firmly.
Hercules GSP38WB Mountable Acoustic Guitar Wall Hanger with Wood Base and Auto Grip System
Hercules GSP38WB Mountable Acoustic Guitar Wall Hanger with Wood Base and Auto Grip System – this design is a little more complex, has some extra padding, and the front flaps automatically rotate closed to lock the guitar in and then rotate open to let the guitar out. The guitar feels really stable and secure in this type of wall hanger.
Grip Studios Black Pearl Custom Guitar Grip
Grip Studios Metal Mayhem Custom Guitar Grip – This type of wall hanger might be a little excessive but that doesn’t stop it from being pretty awesome in every way. These come in a variety of colors.
All of these are good choices and each will keep your guitars safe and in good condition.
Guitar stands do not need any introduction but I am amazed at how many people lean their guitar up against the wall or a piece of furniture. This can be very bad for the guitar. It can put a lot of undue stress on the neck, causing it to warp over time, and leaving your guitar “around the house” is a good way to have someone accidentally trip over it, or otherwise knock it around.
Musician’s Gear Tubular Guitar Stand Black
Musician’s Gear Tubular Guitar Stand Black – in most cases this standard design will be just fine. Some care should be taken when selecting this design because not all are created equal. A poorly made version of this design is prone to tipping over easily.
Top Stage Pro Universal Guitar Stand
ChromaCast CC-MINIGS Universal Folding Guitar Stand with Secure Lock – This is another simple design and is my personal favorite. This type of stand is very sturdy and the guitar sits very nice. The low profile of the stand keep it out of the way when not in use.
7 Multi Guitar Bass Folding Stand Stage 7 Holder Rack Guitar Stand
7 Multi Guitar Bass Folding Stand Stage 7 Holder Rack Guitar Stand – if you have more than one guitar you really cant beat something like this. Keep all of your instruments together for quick selection. The guitars are supported really well on this well cushioned stand.
The bottom line is that you really owe it to yourself to get one of these products if you don’t already have one.
Thanks for reading!
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